
Minds In Motion begins 3rd Israeli Residency!

It's been a while since we've posted, so today we're excited to bring you Katherine Smothers' first update from Minds In Motion's third annual Israeli residency!

Shalom! Jordan Livermon and I made it to Israel! After tricking our bodies into ignoring the 7 hour difference, we began teaching Minds In Motion at Beit Yitzhak Elementary School Sunday morning at 8:00 am. It is so exciting to be here and we were greeted with the smiles and hugs from hundreds of students. This year, we are teaching three 4th grade classes back to back. Then we work with a group of the Israeli students chosen for Team XL after last year's residency. These students will soon be joined by new 4th grade XL dancers. Like last year, we are also teaching the entire 5th grade. For the very first time, there is a special addition to our schedule and to the final Minds In Motion performance- participation by a class from the neighboring Arab village, Kalansawa. These Arab students will dance alongside the students from Beit Yitzhak. All of the dancers we worked with our first day were great and very enthusiastic. My Hebrew has improved, Jordan is learning some, and we are both learning bits of Arabic.

After our 6 classes yesterday, we were whisked off to Apollonia, an archeological site sitting on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It was spectacular! The weather here was near 80 during the day and, as the sun was setting over the Sea, we walked along a boardwalk watching surfers and families, saw a wedding, then ate dinner during a sudden thunderstorm!

We are looking forward to Brett joining us next week as we prepare for the final performance of this residency. Virginia's Governor McDonnell and the first lady will be in attendance and the preparations for that visit are underway!

Now we're off to explore & eat!! ~Katherine